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Western Bio Vegetable seeds

western Bio seeds

Western Bio Vegetable Seeds Pvt. Ltd

western Bio Vegetable seeds is an Agriculture Seeds Company located at Gandhinagar, Gujarat. It is registered under Companies Act 1956 and headed by Managing Director Mr Jigar Patel.

westernBio Seeds

The company is one of the leading Seed Companies with a research base in Gujarat. It is a one of the fastest growing Seed Company in India with talented team of Joint Managing Director, Mr Akash Patel, Scientist and Director of Production & Marketing Dr. A. P. Patel, Ph.D. (Plant Breeding & Genetics) and Director of Research & Development Dr. D. P. Goswami (Plant Breeding & Genetics).

Western Bio seeds

Field Crops : Groundnut, seasame,Greengram,castor,Wheat ,etc

Vegetable Crops :- 
Cluster Bean, Coriander, Okra, Cow Pea, Fenugreek, Tomato, etc..

Western Bio Vegetable Seeds is a Research based Agri Scientific Seed Company. The Prime Activities of company is to develop new varieties...

Western Bio Vegetable Seeds is a Research based Agri Scientific Seed Company. The Prime Activities of company is to develop new varieties...


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